2022.2.1 Release notes
In the 2022.2.1 release, you'll find:
Improved integration between MYOB Advanced Payroll and MYOB Advanced Workforce Management. This saves you time when you're integrating a new site or onboarding a new employee.
Payroll updates to help keep Australian and New Zealand companies compliant.
Resolutions for issues that affected the desktop and smartphone app versions of MYOB Advanced Payroll.
New features
MYOB Advanced Payroll
The new Workforce Management tab in the Payroll Preferences form (MPP1100) makes it possible to set up and troubleshoot MYOB Advanced Workforce Management integration with just a few clicks.
MYOB partners and consultants can now follow a simple three-step process to create a connection between the systems, generate the secure key, and set all the default details for employees onboarded into MYOB Advanced Payroll, to get you onboarding new employees faster than ever before.
You can now quickly open MYOB Advanced Workforce Management when you need to onboard an employee. On the Employees form (EP203000) in MYOB Advanced Payroll, click Onboard An Employee to open the Employees screen in MYOB Advanced Workforce Management.
If you haven't integrated with MYOB Advanced Workforce Management, clicking Onboard An Employee takes you to the MYOB website, where you can learn more about the benefits of MYOB Advanced Employee Onboarding. Currently, Advanced Employee Onboarding is only available as part of an early access program. If you're interested in helping us test the new features, contact your MYOB Advanced consultant.

As of 1 July 2023, companies with a withholding payer number (WPN) need start reporting through single touch payroll (STP).
To help keep you compliant if you have a WPN, you can now appoint an intermediary to report STP on your behalf. On the Companies form (CS101500), select the Report single touch payroll through intermediary? checkbox. This lets you add the intermediary's details.

To ensure your termination payments are correct, MYOB Advanced Payroll now calculates annual leave year-to-date (AL YTD) gross earnings based on pay items included in completed pays. This means any adjustments in historical pay periods will be included in the AL YTD calculations for future pay runs. Also, the new calculations correctly include overlapping pays and imported pays.
To make auditing easier, this change doesn't affect historical AL YTD calculations.
Resolved issues
For one of the following resolved issues, there are extra steps you need to take to fix your historical data.
Region | Description | Reference |
NZ | ACTION REQUIRED Previously, MYOB Advanced Payroll ignored liabilities for deduction pay items when calculating annual leave year-to-date (AL YTD) values in termination payments. This has been resolved. You'll now see correct leave rates in all current and future pays, even when a current pay includes backdated leave. If a deduction pay item has been set as:
Although this issue is resolved for current and future pays, historical AL YTD haven't been corrected. These historical values will still be considered until the next annual leave anniversary date. This will be resolved in a future release. For now, a payroll administrator might need to fix these historical values by using current open pays. What you need to do When upgrading to version 2022.2.1, if any current pays are open, you need to reset the pay run/termination wizard. | N/A |
AU / NZ | If an employee's work schedule has standard hours or scheduled hours imported, the worked day is set to true. Whereas if the employee's standard hours or shift is removed and an employee work schedule import is run, the worked day will be set to false. An issue could occur when you import an employee work schedule over the same time period and the worked day is set to false. This has been resolved. | CE00032891 CE00032438 CE00032842 CE00033301 |
AU / NZ | A superannuation batch error could occur when attempting to export multiple files, like when multiple companies were paying super from the same super batch. This has been resolved. | CE00033609 CE00033560 CE00035193 CE00035276 CE00035403 CE00035405 |
AU | If you corrected a termination date in an adjusted pay, the incorrect original date was being submitted through single touch payroll (STP). This has been resolved. | CE00032449 CE00031963 |
AU / NZ | For companies that have integrated with MYOB Advanced Workforce Management, an error could occur when terminating an employee: "Insufficient work schedule to determine notional end date." This occurred if an employee's work schedules didn't include information about dates after the termination date. This has been resolved. The error has been changed to a warning, so you can manually choose which public holidays would have been in the notification period. | CE00035372 CE00035371 |
AU / NZ | Branch restrictions prevented users from being able to view leave requests. This has been resolved. | CE00030485 CE00030390 |
NZ | On the payslip report, the amount owing for reducing balance deductions was incorrect. This has been resolved. As part of the fix, on the Employee's Current Pay form (MPPP3130), the Recovered to date field has been renamedRecovered to date (includes this pay). | CE00020676 CE00020554 CE00020573 |
AU / NZ | When there are fields missing information in an employee record, you mightn't have received any warning of outstanding actions. This was generally caused by an issue with the employee's ID. This has been resolved. | CE00034561 CE00034525 CE00034708 |
AU / NZ | In the MYOB Advanced smartphone app, the Payroll workspace was incorrectly called Other. This has been resolved. | N/A |
AU | When an employee had two pays processed on the same day, single touch payroll (STP) submissions didn't have a timestamp for the two pays. This has been resolved. Now, all STP submissions have timestamps so that the ATO knows which pay event is the latest. | N/A |
NZ | MYOB Advanced Payroll calculates annual leave payments using the greater of two rates: Ordinary Weekly Pay (OWP) or Average Weekly Earnings (AWE). This is in accordance with the Holidays Act 2003 (Act), which provides for three different OWP rates, one of which is the 4-week average. To calculate the AWE and OWP 4-week averages, MYOB Advanced Payroll relies on a lookback period. We have identified an issue with how the lookback period is calculated. Depending on the leave start date, pay frequency and any out-of-cycle employee payments, the AWE and OWP 4-week average calculation may not recognise pay runs at the beginning of the lookback period. This may result in incorrect annual leave rates for some leave payments. This issue affected leave payments and also impacted the Employee Leave Summary screen (MPPP4045) and the AWE Inspection window. This has been resolved, including for termination payments in processed in a current open pay. Back-dated terminations will still warn you to manually check the calculations. | CE00033265 CE00032802 |
NZ | On the Termination form (MPPP5400), the annual leave year-to-date (AL YTD) gross earnings inspector included an employee's termination pay in the list of completed pay runs. Although the amounts paid in the termination pay wouldn't affect AL YTD, seeing it in the list could be confusing. This has been resolved. The termination pay is no longer listed in the AL YTD gross earnings inspector. | N/A |