The 2020.6 release adds a wide range of new features across the entire MYOB Advanced system.
For full information on all of the changes, see the 2020.6 Release Notes documentation:
New Features
Business Event Notifications
You can now use the powerful Business Event features included in MYOB Advanced to alert users when records are modified, replacing the change notification features that were present in earlier versions. In an upgrade to Advanced 2020.6 or later, any record change notifications that you’d set up previously will be converted to business events automatically. See the video below for more information:

Automatic Table Join Suggestions
MYOB Advanced 2020.6 includes automatic table join suggestion features, which let you configure relations between tables quickly and accurately when setting up a generic inquiry. These features remove the need to look up data access classes and fields to see how tables should be joined, and ensures that relations are set up correctly, which helps to prevent the generic inquiry from returning duplicate or incorrect results. See the video below for more information:

Resolved Issues
Problem ID | Description |
CE00011012 CE00010233 CE00010624 CE00011516 CE00012003 CE00012435 CE00012561 CE00013356 CE00013413 | The error message “‘BankFeedsAllowed’ cannot be empty” appeared when attempting to save a bank transaction on the Process Bank Transaction screen (CA306000) after changes were made on the Transaction Match Settings window. This has been resolved. |
CE00011501 CE00010066 CE00011191 CE00011815 CE00012928 | The error message “Error: The report does not contain parameters: OrganisationID.” Appeared when running Summary or Detail reports from Release Tax Reports screen (TX502000). This has been resolved. |
CE00012143 CE00012052 | The error message “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” could appear when accessing the TPAR Summary screen (MBTX4010). This has been resolved. |
Problem ID | Description |
CE00012319 CE00012210 CE00012366 | The Credit Hold check box and Release From Credit Hold action were not available on the Sales Orders screen (SO301000) for users with the Warehouse User licence type. This has been resolved. |
Payroll and Self Service
Problem ID | Description |
CE00013729 CE00008095 CE00011812 CE00012515 CE00012545 CE00012748 CE00013221 CE00013609 CE00013626 CE00013794 CE00014167 CE00014380 | In some cases, leave would remain in the “Partially Paid” or “Processing” status after being fully paid. This has been resolved. |
CE00010887 CE00010518 CE00012347 CE00012414 CE00013064 CE00013128 CE00013230 | In some cases, managers could not see employees under them on the Team Calendar screen (MPES4003). This has been resolved. |
CE00012176 CE00012157 CE00012158 CE00013126 CE00013934 CE00013994 | The error message “Your leave request cannot be submitted. There is a problem with your agreed definition of week records. Please contact your payroll administrator” |
CE00013199 CE00013098 CE00013175 CE00014173 | An error occurred when a user attempted to enter more than 99.9999 hours of leave. This has been resolved. |
CE00014090 CE00014036 CE00014196 CE00014553 | When requesting a software ID on SBR Registration tab of the Payroll Preferences the screen (MPPP1100), after the user provided their MYOB login credentials, the popup that should show the software ID did not appear. This has been resolved. |
CE00014372 CE00014295 CE00014424 | After successfully processing a pay and generating journals, an error message appeared when trying to view the journals from the Manage Pay screen (MPPP4110). |
CE00013472 CE00013432 | Errors message saying that a Cash Account was missing could occur when exporting superannuation files. This has been resolved. |
CE00013294 CE00013288 | Entering a custom tax amount for an employee’s pay did not affect the PAYG total on the header of the Employee’s Current Pay screen (MPPP3130), and didn’t reduce their Gross Pay. This has been resolved. |
CE00014048 CE00013502 | An error occurred when viewing the journals for a pay run, if the pay run included superannuation where the cash account belonged to another branch. This has been resolved. |
CE00013357 CE00013321 | When adding a superannuation fund, an error would occur if the selected Supplier used a payment method that did not have payment instructions. This has been resolved. |
- | In some cases, timesheets would not bring in quantities if the related pay item was not included in the employee’s Standard Pay. This has been resolved. |
- | This release increases the number of decimal places used for entitlement values on the Entitlement Adjustment screen (MPPP3000) to six, to match the other screens in the Payroll module. |
- | The Super YTD Balances on the Employment Details screen (MPES3011) displayed incorrect figures. This has been resolved. |
- | When Annual Leave was added to an employee’s pay, the Employee Work Schedule screen (MPPP2260) did not update to show that the employee was on leave for those days. This has been resolved. |
- | When an employee worked on a Public Holiday, the Employee Work Schedule screen (MPPP2260) would show that they were on leave that day. This has been resolved. |