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2020.3 Release Notes


The 2020.3.0 release adds a wide range of new features across the entire MYOB Advanced system.

This page provides an overview of the major new features in this release - for full information on all of the changes, see the 2020.3 Release Notes document:

New Features

Payroll Updates

Enhanced Entitlement Adjustments

The Entitlement Adjustments screen (MPPP3000) has been reworked to make it easier to use, more consistent with other MYOB Advanced screens, and clearer on what the results of the adjustment will be. Entitlement adjustments are now released like any other document in the MYOB Advanced system, creating a batch that can be reviewed and also reversed.

As with many other record screens in MYOB Advanced, the Entitlement Adjustment screen initially displays a standard generic inquiry screen listing existing adjustment transactions. Selecting a transaction or clicking the + button opens the new Entitlement Adjustment entry screen where adjustments can be entered or viewed:

The summary area of the Entitlement Adjustment screen now contains more information about the adjustment transaction, making it clearer what the adjustment affects:

  • The Type dropdown determines whether the adjustment is an Opening Balance or a Balance Adjustment.
  • The Post to GL checkbox determines whether the transaction will be posted to the GL and the Payroll module (ticked) or just the Payroll module (unticked).
  • The Transaction Date and Post Period let you control where the adjustment journal transactions will be posted.
  • The Description field lets you add descriptive text to the adjustment for future reference. This will be carried through to the adjustment journals.

Two tabs have been added to the main area of the Entitlement Adjustments screen:

  • Document Details, where you can enter the details of the adjustment.
  • Financial Details, where you can select accounts for the journal transactions that will be generated for the adjustment. Once an adjustment has been released, a link to the GL batch generated for the adjustment is available on this tab.
Entitlement Adjustment Details

Clicking the new Entitlement Details button on the Entitlement Adjustments screen opens the new Entitlement Adjustment Details screen (MPPP4001), which shows details of all changes that have been made for the selected employee and entitlement across the selected date range. This includes normal entitlement accruals that happened as part of a pay run, adjustments made using the new and old versions of the Entitlement Adjustments screen, and adjustment reversals.

The Reference Nbr column displays the ID number of the record associated with the adjustment:

  • For adjustments made on the Entitlement Adjustment screen, this will be the ID of the transaction batch generated by the adjustment. Clicking on the ID opens the Entitlement Adjustment screen, showing the batch’s details.
  • For adjustments made as part of a pay run, this will be the ID of the pay run. Clicking on the ID opens the Pay Run Details screen (MPPP3120), showing the pay run’s details.

Updates to Payroll Tax Reporting

Australia only

In previous releases, settings that related to payroll tax were hidden unless a state was specified on the (now deprecated) Payroll Tax screen. The following settings are now always available, so they can be configured at any time:

  • The settings on the Payroll Tax tab of the Pay Details screen (MPPP2310)
  • The Liable for Payroll Tax and Payroll tax category columns on the Pay Item Liabilities screen (MPPP1025)

In addition, a new Apprentice/Trainee option is available on the Employee History tab of the Employees screen (EP203000). This allows you to mark employees as apprentices or trainees, which has an effect on payroll tax.

The new Payroll Tax Liability report (MPPP6210) takes all of this data to produce a payroll tax report that can be filtered by state and optionally by branch. The report shows the payments to employees that are liable for payroll tax, broken down by employee tax status and payroll tax category:

The report shows the amount of payroll tax payments for the selected state and an Interstate amount for the payments from other states.

Two new generic inquiries are also available:

  • Payroll Tax Liability Details – details all transactions that make up the payroll tax report
  • Payroll Tax Liability ETP – details transactions that make up the tax-free portion of any ETPs included in the payroll tax

Users can use the new report and inquiries to generate the liable payment amounts, then enter these amounts into the online payroll tax portal for each state as necessary. Once this is done and the payroll tax amounts are calculated via the online portal(s), payments matching these amounts can be generated in MYOB Advanced.

Due to the changes in this release, the existing Payroll Tax (MPPP3020), Payroll Tax Batch Summary (MPPP5036) and Payroll Tax Liability (MPPP5035) screens have been deprecated. These screens still exist, but have been removed from menus and sitemaps.

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