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2020.2 Release Notes


The 2020.2.0 release adds enhancements to the Payroll and Self-Service modules. The Payroll module’s termination functionality has been updated to support more termination scenarios, and the new pay adjustment feature lets a payroll administrator correct individual employees’ historical pays to correct errors like overpayments. The Self-Service module has received several updates to make the module more informative and easier to use, including an update to the Contacts Details screen that lets users record emergency contact information.

This page provides an overview of the major new features in this release - for full information on all of the changes, see the 2020.2 Release Notes document:

New Features

Payroll Updates

Employee Pay Adjustments

This release adds the ability to create adjustment pays for individual employees to correct or update errors in their pays. This feature supplements the existing pay reversal features. It is intended for use in cases where an employee’s pay needs to be adjusted, but reversing the whole pay run is impossible or undesirable—the most likely scenario is correcting an overpayment to an employee.

Adjustments can be made to any historical pay—this contrasts with pay reversals, which can only be performed on the most recent closed pay run.

To create adjustment pays for an employee, open the pay run that contained the incorrect details, then on the Pay Run Details screen (MPPP3120) select the employee whose pay needs to be adjusted and click the new Adjust Pays button:

A window appears, allowing you to enter a transaction date for the adjustment journals that will be generated. These default to the transaction date used by the original pay run, but you can enter a different date if necessary.

Once a date is entered, clicking OK on this window automatically creates two adjustment pay runs:

  • A Negative Adjustment pay run
    • This pay run negates all of the employee’s pay values from the original pay run.
    • It is immediately set to the CLOSED status.
    • It does not require a Single Touch Payroll (STP) batch.
    • It cannot be reversed or adjusted.
  • A Positive Adjustment pay run
    • This pay run contains a copy of the employee’s original pay run details.
    • It is created in the OPEN status.
    • Once it is completed, an STP Update batch will be generated.
    • Once completed, it can be adjusted, but not reversed.

The adjustment pays affect all items that may have been included in the employee’s original pay run, including imported timesheets, imported Public Holidays and leave imported from the Self Service module.

To adjust the employee’s pay, edit the Positive Adjustment pay run to correct the employee’s pay run details, then process and complete it as normal.

Enhancements to Terminations

Australia only

This release adds new functionality to the termination process, adding support for additional termination scenarios. The Reason dropdown on the Termination window (MPPP5300) now includes “Genuine Redundancy” and “Dismissal” options, in addition to “Resignation”:

  • “Resignation” applies to employee-initiated terminations.
  • “Genuine Redundancy” applies to employer-initiated terminations that meet the ATO definition of Genuine Redundancy or Approved Early Retirement.
  • “Dismissal” applies to any other employer-initiated termination, e.g. dismissal, normal retirement, contract or probation ended. The “Dismissal” option should be used for any employer-initiated terminations that do not meet the definition of a Genuine Redundancy.

For more information on using the Termination window in various scenarios, see the updated “Terminations in Payroll” white paper.

If you have an open pay run with a saved termination on upgrade, we recommend that you open the Termination window and delete the termination, then start it again.

Updates to the Termination Window

As well as the new Reason options, the following changes have been made to the Termination window.

Fields on the Details tab have been updated (these changes were introduced in the 2020.1 release):

  • New fields have been added:
    • Preservation age
    • Pension age
    • (Continuous) Service prior to 1 July 1983
  • The Override service period option has been removed.

A new Unused Other Leave tab has been added. This tab shows the pay items that will be generated for the employee’s leave payments other than Annual and Long Service Leave on termination:

A new Other Termination Payments tab has been added. This tab shows the details of any termination payments that do not relate to unused leave, e.g. redundancy pay or payments in lieu of notice.

The Other Payments tab has been renamed to Custom Payments. This tab functions in the same was as in previous versions—any custom termination payments you have set up can be added here. (Custom termination payments may be necessary for unsupported termination scenarios - see the “Terminations in Payroll” white paper for more information.)

New Termination Report

Selecting the Termination Summary action on the Employee’s Current Pay screen (MPPP3130) opens a new report, which shows details of the employee’s termination payments and how they were calculated.

Payslip Message

This release introduces the ability to add a customisable message to all payslips for a given pay run. Enter the message into the new Payslip Message field on the Pay Run Details screen (MPPP3120):

When payslips are generated for the pay, they will include this message in a new Message section at the bottom of the payslip.

Updates to Employee Self-Service

Leave Requests

An Available Balance field has been added to the Submit a Leave Request window (MPES3020), providing more information for employees when they make a request.

When setting up an approval map for leave requests on the Assignment and Approval Maps screen (EP205000), you can now select “Employee” from the Entity column of the Conditions table. This means that the approvals process can be tailored to different employees or groups of employees.

When leave requests appear on the Approvals screen, their descriptions have been updated to more clearly show the leave request's details. Hovering the mouse over the Description column shows all details in a popup:

Employee Contact Details

A Contacts tab has been added to the Contact Details screen (MPES3010), providing a way of recording emergency contacts for an employee, or any other people who may need to be contacted in relation to them.

Resolved Issues

The following table details the issues that are addressed by this release.


Problem ID 


172916742392 172731464211

Changing the Customer Class on the Customers screen (AR303000) would override the Country even if the user chose to preserve the customer’s original settings. This has been resolved.


Problem ID 


173126561642 174016312051 173972079903 173891339261 173846461221 173717661991 173647032301 173135092961 173105873271 173055642391 172977590361

The Prepare Payments screen (AP503000) did not show all suppliers if Pay Date Within and Due Date Within boxes were unticked. This has been resolved.

173148581607 174300233971 172914000511

Sorting the Supplier ID column of the Prepare Payments screen (AP503000) in ascending order did not correctly order all transactions. This has been resolved.

172974811969 173694743391 172898145001

It was not possible to create payments on the Process Bank Transactions screen (CA306000) for customers on Credit Hold. This has been resolved.

157613813042 157551649947

This release corrects an issue that could cause the FA Balance Projection reports (by Account, Class and Branch) to time out.

173081904672 173055641931

An error could occur when attempting to reverse GL entries created from a Deferral Schedule. This has been resolved.

173145657591 173135340493

A “lost connection” error could occur when attempting to post transactions from the Post Transactions screen (GL502000). This has been resolved.

173260907604 173139698791

This release corrects an issue that could cause the Reconciliation Report (CA627000) to time out and produce nothing.

172987121240 172946157521

Reversing a Landed Cost AP Bill did not reverse the associated Landed Cost. This has been resolved.

173678050207 173645166271

Sales Profitability reports did not exclude documents’ discount amounts. This has been resolved.

174279927082 174221105311

An error message could occur when attempting to release a payment from the Release AR Documents screen (AR501000). This has been resolved.


Problem ID 


172731792831 172485642674

172830694211 172662988501

When a quote was converted to a sales order, the Requested On date for each line was reset to the current business date. This has been resolved.

173082844396 173055641989

2-Step Transfer documents created from the Sales Order module (Order Type TR) did not have a Purchase Order Receipt Nbr. attached to them on the Transfers screen (IN304000). This has been resolved.

173090848034 173073502641

Attempting to drill down to records on the Inventory Transaction Summary (IN406000) always returned the details of the first row. This has been resolved.

173714657818 173709228861

A “lost connection” error could occur when attempting to create a shipment from the Sales Orders screen (SO301000). This has been resolved.

172310485438 172011610651

The SOInvoice generic inquiry could display incorrect customer details. This has been resolved.

172334157625 172207389822

An incorrect tax line would be added to a purchase order’s tax details if a line was created using the Add Item or Load Records from File buttons. This has been resolved.


Problem ID 


172718756074 172718208441 172706089061 172662212591 172540349801 172457987461

173147252471 173846461479 173807130310 173139698471

172527951976 172458901901

This release resolves various intermittent errors occurred related to logging in to MYOB services, e.g. for Secure Authentication or STP reporting.

174095236500 174059407251 173994671021

If a pay item with Pay Item Type set to “Allowance” was set up with a custom rate, the rate would not appear on employee payslips. This has been resolved.

173861407799 173708888921

The error message “An unhandled exception has occurred in the function 'GetEmployeeWorkingHourOnParticularDay'” could appear when clicking the Leave Summary button on the Pay Run Details screen (MPPP3120). This has been resolved.

173849013958 173807129821

Users with the “Payroll User” role in Advanced People only sites could not access pivot tables. This has been resolved.

174009063280 173990200901

It was not possible to create an import scenario for updating the Reference field on the Pay Distribution screen (MPPP2330). This has been resolved.

Field Service Management



Problem ID 


174020897374 173063461351

Clicking on the branch dropdown of on one of the Field Service dashboards, e.g. Staff Appointments Map, would show branches that belonged to other tenants. This has been resolved.

Customer Portal

Problem ID 


173698335104 173860430581 173684061421

When processing a sale through the customer portal, the Sales Order generated would show a total value of zero. This has been resolved.

173068094481 173029397121

The Last Activity Date field on the Open Cases screen (SP204000) was not populated. This has been resolved.

System and Platform

Problem ID 


173930758815 173839829231 173709228801

In some cases, it was not possible to export data to SalesForce. This has been resolved.

174015707612 174046080991 173972080061

This release resolves an issue that could cause the Audit History report (SM205530) to time out. 

173751105990 173124797431

Import scenarios would read numbers like 0.00001 as 1E-05 (scientific notation). This has been resolved.

173673575141 173673575141

The File Synchronisation screen (SM202530) could import a single file multiple times as multiple versions, resulting in duplicate data. This has been resolved.


Settings-only snapshots now exclude the following Bank Feeds tables:

  • MBBankFeedApplication
  • MBBankFeedApplicationKvExt
  • MBBankFeedApplicationDetail
  • MBBankFeedImportLog
  • MBBankFeedSubscription
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