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2019.1 Information Hub


The 2019.1 release has enhanced so many areas of MYOB Advanced, we needed a page dedicated solely to it. Are you ready to advance your business?

Take a look at what's new

  • Run multi-currency projects allowing customers and suppliers to utilise different currencies. This means you can track a project in one currency, bill the customer in another, and bring in transactions in any currency you’ve set up

  • Businesses with multi-companies can create and customise multiple customer portals, enriching the customer experience

  • Access a new simplified warehouse management solution allowing you to run barcode scanning from your phone, minimising the use of other devices

  • Build controls into the Business Process Monitor and boost automation by having the ability to alert your or customers if no action has been taken on a particular activity

  • Experience Enhanced Reporting Capabilities and view your data in new ways, like being able to focus on a specific customer or supplier

  • Full Equipment and Service Management capability with our new Field Service Edition

To see a full demo of this new functionality, make sure to contact your MYOB Advanced Support Partner. And if you're not currently using MYOB Advanced and would like to find our more information, please visit our main Australian web page or New Zealand web page.

Release Notes

Read the MYOB Advanced 2019.1 Release Notes for information of all of the updates and changes included in the release.


Watch the videos below to see some of the new features in action!

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