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2018.1.2 Release Notes


The 2018.1.2 release adds Secure Authentication to the MYOB Advanced system, updates the process of registering for Single Touch Payroll, and addresses issues with the Payroll module identified in previous releases.

These Release Notes are also available as a PDF document: MYOB Advanced Release Notes_2018_1_2.pdf

New Features

Secure Authentication

This release adds support for Secure Authentication logins to MYOB Advanced. Secure Authentication is a two-factor authentication (2FA) sign-in process that helps to secure your data and guard against identity theft.

SBR Registration Changes

Australia only

In previous releases of Advanced Business, the main reportable branch was used to register for Standard Business Reporting (SBR). While this was acceptable for submitting Payment Summaries, it caused Single Touch Payroll (STP) batches to be rejected for sites with multiple companies, as the STP submissions always included the ABN of the reportable branch, which did not necessarily match the ABN of the company submitting the STP batch.

To allow for STP submissions in multi-company organisations, the SBR Registration tab of the Payroll Preferences form (MP.PP.11.00) has been updated. The tab now contains a table showing the details of each company in the system, with a separate Request Software ID link for each company:

When registering for SBR, you must now request a Software ID for each company using the links on this tab, note them down, then register each ID with the ATO separately. See the “Single Touch Payroll” white paper for more information on registering Software IDs.

If your organisation has STP batches that were rejected due to the issue discussed above, you do not need to re-submit these batches or perform any other actions once the Software IDs have been registered - the next successful STP submission will report the correct YTD balances.

Resolved Issues


Problem ID 


162525014626 162570224160 162570224156 162570224151 162428010665

The Business Activity Statement Report (MBTX6011) showed the amount for all companies in the tenant, instead of showing a separate amount for each company. This has been resolved.


Problem ID 


160552530070 159992379421

In sites with multiple companies, STP batches failed to send with the error message "Misalignment of identifying information. Inform your software provider that the eb:PartyInfo/From/PartyID details does not match the entity details for this submission." This has been resolved; the SBR Registration tab of the Payroll Preferences form (MP.PP.11.00) has been updated to allow for multiple companies

150346143506 158555842825 157356841401 150164841461

The Upwards withholding variation? setting on the Taxation tab of the Pay Details form was not saving for employees. This has been resolved; the setting is now saved, and it is now set independent of the Claim Tax-free threshold?, Claim Seniors tax offset? and Claim zone/special tax offset? settings.

159668286391 159592840245 159733702011

Employees' gender was reported incorrectly in superannuation batches (all employees were reported as male). This has been resolved; gender is now reported correctly, using the new Gender field that was added to the Employees form (EP203000) in the 2018.1.1 release. When this field is populated, it will be used in the superannuation batches; if it is not, the gender will default to "not specified".

160596085356 160427573221

The Super Guarantee threshold would sometimes be applied when earnings had not reached the threshold. This has been resolved.

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