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Exporting to MYOB accounting software

If you're using MYOB accounting software, you can export your Ace Payroll data to it at the end of whatever period you prepare accounts for. For instance at the end of the quarter or financial year. A summary journal will be created and automatically posted into your MYOB accounting software.

First, you'll need to set up journals with AccountRight. Then follow the instructions below to export data to those journals.

If you post a journal in error, you can always delete it in your MYOB accounting software.

To export to MYOB accounting software
  1. From the front screen click Utilities, then Export Data.

  2. The Create Export File window displays your current export and journal settings. If the details are wrong, click either the company file name (to choose a different MYOB company file) or Setup (to choose a different accounting system).

  3. Once the details are right, click Go.

  4. Choose an employee or a range of employees to export data for.

  5. Click the blue dates to set a date range for the data you want to export. Set the date range either by choosing specific dates from the calendar, or by choosing one of the pre-set ranges.
    The range you select must include some finalised pays, otherwise the journal won't be created.

  6. Click Go.

    A summary journal is created and automatically posted into your MYOB accounting software.





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