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Set up internet banking

Ace Payroll interfaces with all New Zealand internet banking systems, so you can pay your employees electronically no matter which bank they’re with.

To set up internet banking
  1. From the front screen click Make Payment > Setup. The Direct Credit Setup window opens.

  2. If you have not entered a bank account to pay wages out of, click None Entered under Employer’s Bank Account. Enter an account and click Go.

  3. Click the bank listed under Electronic Banking System and click on the correct bank. A tick appears.
    When you select a bank, the criteria listed lower down on the window change.

  4. Click Go.

Other settings

Selecting a banking system changes many of the fields listed lower in the window. Some of these fields are changed to match the bank’s requirements, but some of them can be changed manually to suit your needs.



File Name

Some banks allow you to define the name of the direct credit data file. The file extension is set by the bank.

File Extension

Some banks allow you to define the extension of the direct credit data file. It is unlikely that you will need to do this.

File Path

This field shows the file path for your direct credit file. This file path is created automatically.

Days Offset

This field sets the clearance date to a number of days after your period end. For example, if your pay period ends on a Sunday, and the direct credits are processed the following Thursday, you will set this field to 4 -- the number of days between the period end and payment date.

When you create a direct credit file through the Make Payment process on the front screen, Ace Payroll will prompt you to set a clearance date. Without Days Offset, the default  clearance date is the period end date. If you set Days Offset, that default date will be changed in accordance with the number of days offset.

Show Account Number On Payslips

Each direct credit paid to your employee is itemised on their payslip. The default is to put the words 'Direct Credit' next to the amount on the payslip. You can choose to show the employee’s account number on payslips by selecting this option.

Round Nett Pay

If you do not pay any wages in cash, you may want to turn the nett pay rounding feature off for all your employees. This means that instead of rounding nett pays to the denomination of a coin or note that you can pay in cash, they will be exact to the cent.

If you pay any wages in cash, do not turn off rounding here. This setting applies to all employees, and will cause problems when you try to pay wages in cash later if it is turned off.





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