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Avast anti-virus troubleshooting

If you have Avast installed when you try to install or upgrade Ace Payroll, Avast may wrongly identify the Ace Payroll software as a threat and quarantine it.

The solution is to temporarily disable Avast’s shields while you finish the installation. The instructions below explain how to do this for CD and downloaded installations and upgrades.

Disabling Avast Shields during Ace Payroll installation and upgrades

Disable Avast and install Ace Payroll
  1. Open Avast and go to Settings > General.

  2. Scroll down to Exclusions and type in c:\winpay 
    This is the name of the Ace Payroll folder on your computer.

  3. Click Add.
    You have added Ace Payroll to the exclusions list. Next you need to restart the Avast shield, otherwise Avast will keep detecting the Ace Payroll file as a threat and blocking it.  

  4. Right click the Avast icon on the right side of your task bar.
    The icon might be in the Windows system tray, which you can open by clicking the small triangle on the bottom right hand side of your screen.  

  5. Click Avast shields control > Disable for 10 minutes

  6. Click Yes to confirm, then close Avast.

  7. Insert the Ace Payroll CD, or open your downloaded Ace Payroll file.

  8. Click Next > I Agree With These Terms > New Computer

  9. When Ace has finished installing or upgrading you will need to reactivate Avast's shields. Right click the Avast icon, then click Avast shields control > Enable all shields. Click Yes to confirm.






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